The three pillars of sustainability

At the Reibener-Hof we are proud to run an ecologically oriented wellness hotel. Our commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness guides us in all aspects of our work and offers you a sustainable experience that goes beyond the ordinary hotel stay.


With photovoltaic modules on the roof of our hotel and warehouse, we generate 130 KW of electricity, because the sun as an energy source is available to the earth free of charge. Let's use it!

Heat from renewable energies

With our 400 KW wood chip heating system, we generate heat from waste wood from regional forests. We also harvest wood chips for our heating system from the poplar short rotation plantation that was planted next to the hotel in 2015.




At the Reibener-Hof, we actively promote environmentally friendly transportation and offer our guests the opportunity to charge their electric vehicles at our charging stations.

Directly at the hotel are
10 x 22 KW
1 x 50 KW
e-charging stations are available for you.

We also rent out Tesla e-cars if you are interested.


LED lighting

To make our contribution to energy efficiency, we rely on LED lighting. This innovative technology is characterized by its high energy efficiency. Compared to conventional light bulbs and fluorescent tubes, LED lamps consume significantly less energy and still have a higher luminous efficacy. They also have a very long life expectancy.


Effective recycling

Simple and environmentally conscious

At Reibener Hof, we attach great importance to environmentally friendly waste recycling. Our approach is simple: we separate our waste conscientiously in order to protect the environment and contribute to the circular economy. Our aim is to reduce the amount of waste we produce and to recycle as much as possible. We see recycling not only as a duty, but also as part of our responsibility towards nature.


Save water

We are actively committed to the responsible use of water. In our rooms and public areas, we use water-saving flush buttons and water-saving taps. This enables us to efficiently reduce water consumption. In our rooms, our guests are kindly advised to use their towels for longer than one day. This simple but effective measure minimizes water consumption and reduces the environmental impact.


The three pillars of sustainability

We rely on the three pillars of sustainability: ecological, economic and social sustainability. We are committed to a sustainable and environmentally conscious future through environmentally friendly measures, investments in renewable energies, sustainable agriculture and fair working conditions.

  • Ecological sustainability is of central importance to us. We operate a wood chip heating system to generate heat, a pesticide-free poplar short rotation plantation and rely on photovoltaics to reduce our ecological footprint. We also focus on e-mobility and water-saving measures. For our vegetarian guests, we offer a wide range of alternatives in our restaurant. Our efforts in this area are proof of our commitment to environmental protection.
  • As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have invested in e-mobility, provide 12 e-charging stations and rent out Tesla vehicles. We also use LED lighting with high energy efficiency and a long life expectancy to reduce energy consumption in our buildings. We also focus on regional products and source as much as possible from around the hotel, such as potatoes from the Gäuboden region, honey from the Muhr apiary in Prackenbach and spirits from the local distilleries Anleitner and Liebl in Bad Kötzting. We are proud to offer our guests an environmentally friendly and sustainable vacation experience.
  • In terms of social sustainability, we value fair working conditions, flexibility for our employees and active inclusion. We hold regular team meetings to address current issues and constantly strive for improvements.

Discover the Bavarian Forest in all its diversity

Sustainable heat at Reibener Hof: our wood chip heating system


Our hotel uses a wood chip heating system that is environmentally friendly and efficient. The combined heat and power plant uses waste wood from local forests, which is processed into wood chips. This method is particularly climate-friendly, as it only releases as much CO2 as the trees have absorbed during their growth. In addition, the wood chip boilers heat efficiently and produce only minimal levels of particulate matter. This means that our guests can enjoy an environmentally conscious stay where comfort and sustainability go hand in hand


In addition to our wood chip heating system, we also use a hot water dryer at Reibener Hof to dry all the hotel laundry. The appliance uses the heat from the heating system to heat the water for drying. This method is not only energy-efficient, but also protects the environment as it significantly reduces energy consumption. With our hot water dryer, we not only reduce our ecological footprint for drying our laundry, but also offer our guests a sustainable stay at the Reibener Hof.


Our best offers for you

Here you will find our wellness packages put together exclusively for you.
Please note that the validity of the packages varies depending on the season.

Sommerurlaub im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Buchen Sie Ihren Sommerurlaub
und profitieren von unserem Extra:
kostenfreies E-Auto laden.

ab 1 ÜN
im Mai, Juni, Juli

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Sommerurlaub im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Buchen Sie einen Kurzurlaub
unter der Woche mit einem
zusätzlichen Frühstück am Anreisetag.

2 ÜN

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Lazy Sunday - Entspannung und Erholung im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Entspannung und Erholung -
1 Übernachtung und 2 Wellnesstage.

1 ÜN

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Verwöhnwochenende im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Verwöhnwochenende mit 2 Übernachtungen und einer entspannenden Behandlung mit unserem 30,00 € Behandlungsgutschein - Entspannung und Genuss pur erwarten Sie!

2 ÜN

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Entspannen Sie sich mit unserem "Me-Time"-Angebot: 3 Nächte im Wohlfühlzimmer und ein vergünstigter Einzelzimmerpreis schaffen die ideale Auszeit vom Alltag - Ihre persönliche Entspannung wartet auf Sie!

3 ÜN

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Abwechslungsreiche Urlaubstage: Auf ein entspannendes Goldrauschbad folgt stilvoller Spielspaß im Casino.

ab 2 ÜN

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Wohlfühltage im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Erleben Sie erholsame Übernachtungen, ein 5-Gang-Galamenü und entspannende SPA-Momente, inklusive eines vitalen Mittagssnacks und Nutzung des SPA-Bereichs bis 22 Uhr am Abreisetag.

ab 2 ÜN

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Wohlfühltage im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Bei Buchung unserer 5 Nächte Wellness-Auszeit von Sonntag bis Freitag dürfen Sie sich auf ein Wohlfühlbad gratis freuen!

5 ÜN

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