Our wellness vacation offers

Discover our numerous exclusive package offers.


Pampering weekend

2 nights - Arrival Friday

Our services:

  • 2x overnight stay in the room type of your choice (arrival Friday)
  • welcome sparkling wine
  • Rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ...
  • Vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cake from the buffet, as well as non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks
  • 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • Treatment voucher worth €30 (the desired treatment must be specified when booking) angegeben werden)

from € 322 per person for 2 nights


Midweek Special

2 nights - arrival Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday

Our services:

  • 2x overnight stay in the room type of your choice (arrival Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday)
  • welcome sparkling wine
  • Rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ...
  • Vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cakes from the buffet, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks
  • 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • Breakfast buffet on the day of arrival

from 301,- € per person for 2 nights



Lazy Sunday

1 overnight stay - arrival Sunday

Our services:

  • 1x overnight stay in the room type of your choice from Sunday to Monday (arrival on Sunday possible from 10 am)
  • 1x welcome sparkling wine
  • 1x rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ... on Monday
  • 2x vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cake from the buffet, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks on Sunday AND Monday
  • 1x 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • On Monday all-day use of the SPA area until 10 pm

from 162,- € per person for 1 night



3 nights - arrival Monday / Tuesday

Our services:

  • 3x overnight stay in the room type of your choice (arrival Monday or Tuesday)
  • welcome sparkling wine
  • Rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ...
  • Vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cakes from the buffet, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks
  • 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • Reduced single room rate

from 492,- € for 3 nights in a single room


Feel-good days

From 2 nights

Our services (depending on the duration of your stay):

  • Overnight stay in the room type of your choice (from 2 nights)
  • welcome sparkling wine
  • Rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ...
  • Vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cakes from the buffet, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks
  • 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • 1x 5-course gala menu at a festively laid table with starter, soup, intermediate course, main course, dessert
  • On the day of departure a vital lunch snack and all-day use of the SPA area until 10 p.m.

from € 343 per person for 2 nights


Lucky streak

From 2 nights

Our services (depending on the duration of your stay):

  • Overnight stay in the room type of your choice
  • 1x welcome sparkling wine
  • Rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ...
  • Vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cake from the buffet, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks
  • Dinner: 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • 1x gold rush bath with cocktail (approx. 45 minutes)
  • 1x entry to the Bad Kötzting casino and tokens worth €10.00
  • 1x sweet gold suitcase in the room

from 352,- Euro per person for 2 nights


Experience Tesla e-car

From 3 nights

Curious about e-mobility? Test an electric car from the innovative Tesla brand at our hotel. Experience driving in a completely new way!

  • Tesla Model 3 "Standard Range" approx. 300 hp for € 80.00 per day and max. 200 km free of charge

1,000.00 excess applies to all vehicles in the event of an accident or damage.

bookable at a price from 80,- € per stay


Vacation with dog

From 4 nights

Our services (depending on the duration of your stay):

  • Overnight stay in the room type of your choice
  • 1x welcome sparkling wine
  • Rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ...
  • Vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cake from the buffet, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks
  • Dinner: 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • 1 pet free of charge
  • Small surprise for man's best friend

from € 572 per person for 4 nights


Summer carefree package

From 4 nights - Availability: 19.05.2024 - 17.09.2024

Our services (depending on the duration of your stay):

  • Overnight stay in the room type of your choice
  • 1x welcome sparkling wine
  • Rich breakfast buffet with vital products, egg dishes, fresh fruit, Prosecco, ...
  • Vital lunch snack with crispy salads, a light lunch dish and cake from the buffet, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and hot drinks
  • Dinner: 4-course menu with choice of menu (salad buffet, soup, main course, dessert)
  • Tea, juices and water in the SPA area
  • Admission to the most popular attractions in the region (Viechtach Transparent Barn, Maibrunn Forest Trail, Xperium St. Englmar, Furth im Wald Dragon Cave, zoo)

from 592,- € per person for 4 nights


Our best offers for you

Here you will find our wellness packages put together exclusively for you.
Please note that the validity of the packages varies depending on the season.

Sommerurlaub im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Buchen Sie Ihren Sommerurlaub
und profitieren von unserem Extra:
kostenfreies E-Auto laden.

ab 1 ÜN
im Mai, Juni, Juli

Mehr Informationen



Sommerurlaub im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Buchen Sie einen Kurzurlaub
unter der Woche mit einem
zusätzlichen Frühstück am Anreisetag.

2 ÜN

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Lazy Sunday - Entspannung und Erholung im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Entspannung und Erholung -
1 Übernachtung und 2 Wellnesstage.

1 ÜN

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Verwöhnwochenende im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Verwöhnwochenende mit 2 Übernachtungen und einer entspannenden Behandlung mit unserem 30,00 € Behandlungsgutschein - Entspannung und Genuss pur erwarten Sie!

2 ÜN

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Entspannen Sie sich mit unserem "Me-Time"-Angebot: 3 Nächte im Wohlfühlzimmer und ein vergünstigter Einzelzimmerpreis schaffen die ideale Auszeit vom Alltag - Ihre persönliche Entspannung wartet auf Sie!

3 ÜN

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Abwechslungsreiche Urlaubstage: Auf ein entspannendes Goldrauschbad folgt stilvoller Spielspaß im Casino.

ab 2 ÜN

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Wohlfühltage im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Erleben Sie erholsame Übernachtungen, ein 5-Gang-Galamenü und entspannende SPA-Momente, inklusive eines vitalen Mittagssnacks und Nutzung des SPA-Bereichs bis 22 Uhr am Abreisetag.

ab 2 ÜN

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Wohlfühltage im Wellnesshotel Reibener-Hof


Bei Buchung unserer 5 Nächte Wellness-Auszeit von Sonntag bis Freitag dürfen Sie sich auf ein Wohlfühlbad gratis freuen!

5 ÜN

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